January 31, 2014

Back From DC With Good News!

A huge thank you to all who were praying for us in DC...Both CNN and Fox News gave us some coverage, and Fox News even gave us a favorable image!

Thank you again for all your prayers...obviously they're starting to pay off.  Keep it up and remember the real battle was not in marching that one day, but instead being a witness everyday.  Also remember, Adoption is always an option! 

Thanks again lovelies <3

January 30, 2014

St Michael, defend us!

I just realized what an awesome prayer the St, Michael is. Defend us in battle?  With the power of God he cast into Hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of sin?? A) Yeah, there is a devil out there looking to destroy your life B) How kick-ass would you have to be to get rid of them???  Yeah, that's all.

Oh, and this awesome piece of art of him looking all macho and such, courtesy of my friend Monica at That Girl Who Doodles.  Check out some of my favorite pieces of her artwork here.

January 20, 2014

New Year New World

This is a chance to forget all the awful/embarrassing/awkward/sad/just plain weird moments of 2013 and move on! Try something new and do something you've always wanted to.

Something I'm trying is (surprise surprise) a new blog, but totally different from this one:  I'll still be keeping this baby, but I'll also be doing a 365 photo challenge where I take a picture each day and post it.  The plan is to way improve my photography skills as the year progresses, so here goes...

Something new that you'll be trying?

And wow, this is late...Happy new Years!!

march for Life

Off for the March for Life!! Prayers appreciated, especially that the media doesn't completely ignore us yet again. Last year nearly a million--that's one seventh of the entire population--showed up and were completely ignored by the media.

My friend and I met a group of girls who LIVED IN DC and had never even heard of the March for Life.  Of course we sat them down and explained it all :) Pray pray pray!


December 19, 2013

Duck Dynasty Time...

I'm sure you've all heard the controversy over Phil (Duck Dynasty) and his anti-gay remarks. Honestly, Duck Dynasty is all about the controversial, and up until this moment, no one cared!! I mean, if these quotes didn't raise controversy, why should this?  I go on a mini-rant here, but take a look below for a set of ridiculous statements that not only went unchallenged by the press, but were generally welcomed with laughs from viewers everywhere...and hey, why not?


December 13, 2013


School is over! Finals are over! Siblings coming home.
Life is good.

What are you thankful for?

December 10, 2013

Live the kind of life so that nobody feels the need to lie at your funeral.

That beig sad, live every day with joy and always look to see what else you can be doing.